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7| Let's Call This 1/3

As highlighted in post 6, I have a new project in the works alongside another visual arts senior, Leilani. Now that the planning portion is all done I'm happy to say we've started working on both the fashion and the makeup.


Leilani got down to business and nearly finished the clothing for Failure, with the pants altered and adding a new layer to the torso. The silhouette reflects the planning and frames our model (in this case, Leilani) in a baggy cardigan and pants with cut-out panels. We do still need to get a skin-tone shirt to go under the sweater, but for progress's sake we can call this look finished!


As for my focus, I experimented with looks to match up to the clothing portions. I started with a face template and hashed out some concepts for all three looks, then went to practice some more ideas on my own face :). I did run into a problem with the pictures, particularly with one of my ideas for appreciation. My complexion is very pale and the highlight didn't read well in the lighting that I had unfortunately, but the issue won't translate over to the models we have. Their complexions are darker, and I plan on using a gold-tinted highlight to help communicate Appreciation more effectively.


Following the completion of the first look, Leilani and I got to get critiques from another team that included my classmates Haiden, Al, Gabby, and Solveig. The consensus was that our failure look does communicate our idea, but manipulating the clothing more will keep it from looking like a simple off-the-rack design. I agree with the concept of bringing more editorial style inspiration to our project, and Leilani and I are already brainstorming how to take our looks to a higher level.

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