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1| Much Adoing Nothing

Updated: Mar 14, 2019

Don't just sit there. Do something. Obviously not right now, since you're reading this blog post- but think about what kind of initiative you can take later in the day, in the week, even.

The topic I've landed on for my senior thesis involves the consequences of being overly passive; inaction. This is both a personal and broad social issue that piqued my interest since I've definitely been affected by a lack of action on my part. That can be things like grades and job opportunities, or even just missing out on something I could have had for breakfast. Originally the word I was going for was over-complacency, but as soon as I saw the word 'smug' in an official definition, I abandoned it. Smug definitely isn't how I'd relate to inaction. Instead, the connotation is more negative. I could have done something, I could have changed the outcome, and yet I stayed passive due to varying anxieties or simply a lack of motivation.

Though I've landed on a solid concept, I'm still struggling for my choice of medium and even the imagery involved. I'm trying not to get too simple, but I also don't want to shout the artist statement on the piece. Have a blurry picture of a page of my sketchbook, maybe there's something to comprehend there.

A medium I've enjoyed working with is metalsmithing, but I'm not entirely sure how to push the scale or what kind of other mediums would mix well. I'm also drawn to mixed media since different materials often result with more depth. (Not guaranteed though)

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